My past year (almost, a bit less, he'll be home early!) seems to have been a drone of some sleepless nights, work outs, laundry, dishes, homework and problems! Haha. What a life indeed. This whole time I've just been waiting for my husband to come home so I can have my life back. It's no fun dealing with all of these every day things on your own. I have a laundry list of "problems," things that have gone wrong over Lance's deployment - car stolen, truck broken into, truck egged, lady backed into truck, and now, one of my headlights is out in my car. It seems like such a small thing! Thankfully, I don't drive at night a lot seeing as Julia is my ride to school = ) and I also have both a dad and brother near by to help me with the headlight. But like Julia's blinds breaking, it's just one of those things.
Thinking about finances and paying for school is just another thing on top of the pile. I am not a big planner. I tend to wait until last minute on things, but I'm learning, and hopefully changing! This school year has almost past, just one year left. $11,000 in school loans, not so bad in the grand scheme of things.
I can't seem to focus on very much with the thought of my husband coming home. You should see my to do list! It's crazy. I have a school to do list on the left side of the paper and a cleaning to do list on the right side that's twice as long! Not to mention the grocery list floating in my head. And what to wear, what to wear? I'm also really excited to actually SEE him and BE with him again, but it's so hard to wrap my head around. Sadly, it seems easier to think about all the tasks leading up to it. I can't help but guard myself against the emotions of him returning home. Grande vanilla Americano with cream, you keep me calm, thank you.
The Daunting To Do List

The Coffee & the Cat that keep me calm!!

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