Sunday, June 13, 2010

Julia Here.....

This comment was left on the Tribune site. Really nice huh!

opinionated1 wrote on 04/04/2010 07:45:54 PM:

Benda, I think the comments should stick to the subject rather than putting so much energy into criticizing another poster.

I appreciate the service-members but they are not martyrs and I'm tired of feeling like I can't be critical about anything military because, "OMG, they are fighting for our country!" I support our country too, in a different way. It's like military members are untouchable and it's pure evil to be critical. And I adamantly do not support giving money for college to spouses-unless the service-members are transferring their VA education benefits to their spouse-that I agree with.

I know the military members are not making a killing, but try finding a job on the outside that pro-rates your childcare, allows you to live on base free or pays part of your rent/mortgage to live off base, pays you more when you have children, and pays all of your medical bills.

And calling people liberals or conservatives when you disagree with them only makes an argument sound like partisan regurgitation.

Read more:

OKAY let me get some things straight here. These are like the myths of welfare that people believe. I call this the military family myths...We DO NOT GET MORE MONEY FOR HAVING CHILDREN, service members either live in the barracks (WHICH IS A BENEFIT), military housing, or out in the towns surrounding military bases. Daycare prorates---how many single parents families do we have right now on Fort Lewis. 17,000 soldiers are deployed and almost 10,000 are married. That is a lot of time spent for the spouse ALONE. The lower ranks are the ones that get daycare cuts. Just like in civilian land. The lower paid workers sometimes qualify for daycare assistance. We also have medical insurance as a benefit. WHOA what a concept. I guess other companies in the US do not give medical benefits, or is it civilian workers deserve and we do not.

Military service is JOB with benefits. Like many other jobs in the U.S. They offer tuition help for continuing education, housing stipends, cost of living raises, employee health and dental plans, etc. OH BUT THEY GET PAID WAY BETTER in civie land. I love how people think we are given things for FREE. Are you kidding me? Every single benefit and paycheck a service member gets comes with a prices. Sometimes the ultimate price of their lives!!!!!!


  1. Hi ladies! I too am a military spouse using the MyCAA for my degree. I think that one thing many people forget about us, the spouses, is that when the service calls for our spouses to move WE are losing our jobs because of it. So WE may not have the same oppurtunities for getting our education funded. How is this any different than people getting grants based upon being lower income? I am on my last 5 classes for my Bachelors in Sociology and I have paid all but this $6,000 out of pocket. I think this is a benifit that I deserve.

    I love you ladies for bringing our voices to the light.

    Serving in Germany! God Bless the USA!

  2. Thank you for the support. We both start our Senior year in Social Work in the fall. Neither one of us has qualified for federal aid. I am so appreciative of this $6,000 grant. I am disappointed that they now want to make it only for worthless crappy certificate programs.

    Thank you for your family's service!


About Me

Lauren and Julia are Army spouses. Julia was able to apply for and use the MyCAA grant, and Lauren was too late to sign up. We have done several interviews on television, and in the newspapers. Many Americans wrote very negative responses to our interviews. Many were about how military spouses did not deserve this program. The comments that were left angered us, and this blog is our response to their comments, and what the interviews left out of the story.