Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Are you a NILF?-Julia Here!

Are you a NILF?

Seriously please do some QUALITATIVE research before publishing this garbage.

I COULD have worked if I HAD A DEPENDABLE mate then I would have. Oh wait I have a disability
that put me out. Where do I fit? Oh yeah. In the I don't want a job category. How do they figure in the
full time students who raised their kids and now want more???????? I wish I could have had some help
after my mother died with child care and therapy/doctor visits with my son. We did therapy FOUR days a week
on top of numerous doctors/surgeries out of state etc. Would it have been better if I had NOT taken care of
my sons needs? One more way to stereotype the military spouse without the facts/data to back it up. PLEASE
come live in our shoes for a week!!!!!!! Oh and I have volunteered for the military, Red Cross, and for those injured
with Brachial Plexus Injuries. Will we ever be good enough?


  1. I would just like to say... Military spouses have one of the toughest jobs in the world. They not only have to wait by the phone while their husbands and wives do jobs that the majority of Americans will never do and take for granted. And sometimes those phonecalls never come and all you get is a knock on the door telling you that he/she is coming home... only a lot sooner... and in a flag draped coffin. They have to up and leave places that they have grown to love... because the government tells them to.

  2. Thank you for your comments. Many people just have no clue what we go through. I think the bottom line is they don't care. I pray every night before I go to bed that he will be okay while I close my eyes. We live with that fear that at any moment the knock may come on our doors. I jump every time I hear a car drive by.


About Me

Lauren and Julia are Army spouses. Julia was able to apply for and use the MyCAA grant, and Lauren was too late to sign up. We have done several interviews on television, and in the newspapers. Many Americans wrote very negative responses to our interviews. Many were about how military spouses did not deserve this program. The comments that were left angered us, and this blog is our response to their comments, and what the interviews left out of the story.